Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pinhole Project: Tree Walkway

This is a picture of the outdoor walkway connecting the North and South parking lots, near the road. It took me four tries to get the best exposure, on two different days. This exact picture was exposed for about 8 seconds on the brighter of the two days. I especially like the way the shadows are captured. It gives it a look as if it were a water-coloring.

Pinhole Project: Self Portrait

This was the first ever pinhole picture I ever took in Photo 1. It was exposed for approximately 2 minutes and 36 seconds. I was just trying to get a straight-on picture of myself, where I was smiling.

Pinhole Project: Sophomore Hallway

This pinhole picture was exposed for about 3:45 seconds. I sat on the stairs to try and get an extending shot of sophomore hallway.

Monday, September 19, 2011