Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blur Project: Part 2

These are the last three pictures from the blur project. In the first one, I put my camera on a tripod and put it on a timer. The aperture was set to give it a longer exposure time to create a blur. Then I pressed the button and started jumping. It reminds me of the double exposure project. For the next picture, I just used the bulb setting and captured my friends head on a swivel. Lastly, I took a picture using the bulb setting from a vantage point of the top of the stairs in senior hall. It didn't turn out well because I didn't have a tripod at the moment. It would have been better if the back ground was still and in focus with only the people being blurred.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blur Project: Part 1

These are the first four pictures from my intentional blur roll. In the first one, I had my friend flip the pages of her book to produce a blur of the pages. My mom was stretching when I took the second one so I asked her to wave her arms to produce a blur. I had my Dad throw an apple back and forth in the third picture and I'm pleased with the way it blurred, especially with the back ground not blurred. In the last one shown here, I was in the library and I took a picture of my friend bobbing her head to music to produce the blur.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Blur Project Contact Sheets

These are the contact sheets from my roll of film for the blur project. As you can see, many of them are way too blurry and others are much too light. Nonetheless, there are still several worth developing.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Multiple Exposures Project

These are three more multiple exposures, all of which are double exposures. The last one is an alternate version of the third one in order to better enhance the fact that it is in fact a multiple exposure. You can barely tell that the first and third one are double exposures but they are. The lighting was not the best, and I also didn't keep track of the photographs I took during the first time the film went through the camera.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Double Exposure 1

One of the exposures in this picture is of an orchid, and the other is of a glass flower on a glass table. The glass table created a reflection in the lower left corner of this picture. I thinks it's cool how there is a real flower and a fake flower overlapping near the center.

Contact Sheets for Double Exposure Project

These are my contact sheets from the double exposure project. Unfortunately, a large portion of the contact sheet turned out very dark without a lot of density. But, there are still several I can try and develop.